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4 items found for ""

  • Complimentary Consultation (Free)

    A 30-Minute, no obligation, Telephone Consultation during which you are invited to ask any questions you may have about how Hypnotherapy/NLP could work for you and how we may be able to work together. At the end of our session, I will provide you with a personal and customized Hypnotherapy/NLP plan that will help you make positive and transformational life changes.

  • Hypnotherapy/NLP Sessions Package

    Four (4) 50-Minute, Hypnotherapy/NLP Sessions. Additional private sessions are offered to continue to work on issues dealing with stress, anxiety, grief and trauma. In these situations, I recommend a commitment to several sessions, as these events strongly continue to negatively affect them in some way, physically and/or emotionally.

  • Initial Hypnotherapy/NLP Session

    One Initial (1) 90-minute Hypnotherapy/NLP session that offers you guidance, strategies, resources, and practical skills to help you resolve inner conflicts. Together we will develop your positive emotional skills by accessing your true inner nature. Each session provides an opportunity for deep level transformation to declutter your mind, become peaceful and gain effortless resilience to live a more fulfilling life.

  • Subsequent Hypnotherapy/NLP Sessions

    A 50-Minute, Hypnotherapy/NLP Session. Additional private sessions are offered to continue to work on issues such as those dealing with stress, anxiety, grief and trauma. In these situations, I recommend a commitment to several sessions, as the effects of these events strongly continue to negatively affect people in some way, physically and/or emotionally.

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